131. Doh Blooming Song


I wake each day with a bout of flu
I got no sleep and have aching limbs too

I wake each day with the chicken pox
I feel sweaty and lethargic but have no spots

I wake each day with tendonitis
I've hip pain and everywhere elseitus

Doctor Flanrinsto – is not amused
Listing your ailments – he is confused
I have a shaky hand and shuffling walk
The Doctor thinks that I like to talk

'It's a mystery there is so much wrong with you'
'when you are only 42'

I was told, I'm not ill
So why, give me a pill

I was told, I'm not ill
To be honest, I feel ill

I was told, I'm not ill
By a person, who is not ill

‘I am not ill, I have a condition which needs to be managed’
Flaming heck – well, if this is not ill, I am severely damaged

by Janet Bric-a-Brac