56. Sleep (not the return of…)

Important : read blogs 55 56 57 all together … important

please read in conjunction with blog 55. sleep

I am okay btw don’t panic just felt need to update …

this is real life pd not dressed up with humour I’m afraid

Flip flip flip

some rubbish time in morning and had to blog

took new med madopar controlled release expecting a miracle nights sleep and flip flip flip

no sleep …. no relief from pd and loads of symptoms kicking off in waves

freezing gait, muscle spasms, pain in legs, sweating hot, now dystonia


this is turning into a warts and all blog (no warts yet)

okay and will speak to medical professional later

new meds will wear off soon  – thats good

then I  can take my usual day ones


Important : read blogs 55 56 57 all together … important


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